Larkin University – January 6, 2020, for immediate release
Taylor Harris, a P2 student pharmacist, published an article in Florida Pharmacy Today, a publication of the Florida Pharmacy Association (FPA). In the article Taylor describes her grassroots experiences, including how she worked with State Representative Shevrin Jones to educate the Larkin community about using their collective voice to advocate for progressive pharmacy legislation, such as collaborative practice and pharmacy benefit manager transparency. Taylor is highly engaged in several organizations including the FPA, American Pharmacists Association, and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She and her classmates will represent Larkin University and collaborate with other Florida pharmacy schools at FPA Legislative Days in January 2020.
A link to Taylor’s article (on pages 14 and 15) can be read here:…/resource/resmgr/journ…/112019fpt.pdf
Please join us in congratulating Taylor and our Larkin student advocates on their tremendous accomplishments!
#LarkinUniversity #LU #ProudAndStrong #Pharmacy #COP #PharmD #PharmDin3