Dear Larkin University Community,
In these unprecedented times we find ourselves in the middle of a worldwide pandemic that magnifies disparities in healthcare and economic well-being and has killed black and brown Americans at higher rates than other groups. In times in which it is more than ever important to stand together as one community and unite as a nation we became all witnesses of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This was not an accident nor a single event but the heartless killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis occurred soon after the unjust shootings of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and Breonna Taylor in Louisville and the list could go on and go on. We have witnessed again how America’s long legacy of racism, abuses of power and privilege, continues not only to damage and destroy the lives of black people but is also marginalized by centuries of systematic discrimination.
While we can’t change the past, we can shape the future. Diversity, inclusivity, and racial justice are fundamental to our mission and we indeed can be proud of the diversity of our student body, our faculty and staff and our governing board. But this does not mean that we are off the hook: the convergence of the pandemic, the resulting economic crisis and high unemployment, and the magnification of the continuing social and racial injustice are a challenge for our society, a challenge for us as individuals, and a challenge for us as a University Community, challenging and questioning our beliefs, reactions, statements or relationships.
We are part of a society on the move, there is never a standstill. Nothing is ever granted and we need to ask ourselves if we’re upholding our values, values that do not leave room for racism, brutality, violence, oppression, injustice and indifference. Today I call on you to reaffirm your personal commitment to our core values to foster an inclusive learning community, to accept and embrace diverse cultures and perspectives, to live civility, integrity, and trustworthiness and achieve excellence in learning, research, and engagement.
Larkin University’s mission is to serve the well-being and healthcare needs of a diverse global society, as this includes simply everyone. We shall and will support all non-violent and positive action to combat racism and racial injustice and address disparities and inequalities that exist in the healthcare system and our society. We shall and will reject all actions dividing our communities and nation.
More than ever, we are committed to doing everything we can to make every member of our Larkin University Community feel safe, secure, and a respected partner in everything we do.